October 11th, 13-16 EET, 12-15 CET
Online: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89585948239
Organized by: Shine On Critique!, Finnish Critics’ Association, Nordicom (Centre for Nordic Media Research, University of Gothenburg)
Talouden rakenteet ja taidekritiikki -webinaari (englanniksi)
Aika: Tiistaina 11.10.2022, klo 13-16
Järjestetään Zoomissa: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89585948239
Järjestäjät: Kritiikki näkyy! -hanke, Suomen arvostelijain liitto, Nordicom
(kuvaus suomeksi alla)
You are welcome to join us in our third webinar, which is part of the series ”Re-newing Reviewing: New and Innovative Practices among Art Critics”.
Money is always an issue. It defines the opportunities you may have, it makes you feel both worthwhile and worthless – depending on the grant decision.
The webinar will approach economic structures from different perspectives: How can diversity be advanced in the structures of art economics? What do value and valorization mean in arts criticism? Why do we need support for international connections for artists and critics?
From observations to actions – how does Arts Promotion Centre Finland work toward structural changes in cultural diversity
Arts Promotion Centre Finland has recently started a Development Programme for Cultural Diversity and Mobility. How does it recognise and encourage cultural change? What kind of change can be made in five years time?
Koko Hubara works as the very first Art Advisor in the Development Programme for Cultural Diversity and Mobility in Arts Promotion Centre Finland (2022-2027). Hubara is also an author, journalist, translator, creative writing teacher and a founding member of Ruskeat tytöt Media.
Value and valorisation through the lense of art criticism
Taneli Viitahuhta is a Helsinki-based researcher, writer and musician. He is currently working on his Phd for the University of Jyväskylä, concerning the political and philosophical implications of Theodor Adorno’s critique of jazz. He has translated Walter Benjamin into Finnish (Keskuspuisto, Tutkijaliitto, 2014), and done multidisciplinary work on the 1962 Helsinki Youth Festival (Free Jazz Communism, Rab-Rab, 2019).
Arts need to travel more!
Geir Lindahl is senior advisor in the grants team at Nordic Culture Point. He has a background in music and performing arts and has previously worked as a producer, booking agent, project manager and general manager for a record label. In his most recent position as an advisor at Performing Arts Hub Norway in Oslo he managed small and large industry initiatives and worked on strengthening the producer environment by offering support programs competence building facilitation of networking arenas and consulting. Including an initiative called Performing Criticism Globally, organising writing-workshops, network-meetings, seminars and talks about performing arts-criticism in Norway and internationally.
After the speakers’ presentations (30 minutes), there will be time for discussion, questions, and comments.
The webinar will also be available to watch online after the date.
Host: Maarit Jaakkola, Nordicom
Contact: Maaria Ylikangas, Shine On Critique! (maaria.ylikangas@sarv.fi)
“Re-newing Reviewing: New and Innovative Practices among Art Critics” is a webinar series of three long-format webinars will discuss the new and emerging practices of art criticism and reviewing. The topic discussed are 1) Inclusion and diversity, 2) Criticism and politics, 3) Economic structures of arts criticism.
Inclusion and Diversity in Art Criticism webinar was held on October 7, 2021 and it can be viewed here. Criticism and Politics, March 10, 2022 can be viewed here.
Shine On Critique! is a project concerning art criticism. It is funded by the Kone Foundation and coordinated by the Finnish Critics’ Association.
Tervetuloa Kritiikki näkyy! -hankkeen kolmanteen ja viimeiseen webinaariin. Webinaari on osa sarjaa, joka tarkastelee taidekritiikin ilmiöitä uusista näkökulmista ja pyrkii tuomaan uusia välineitä kritiikin tekemiseen ja käsityksiin kritiikistä. Englanninkielisen webinaarin teemana on talouden rakenteet ja taidekritiikki.
Esitelmien jälkeen on varattu aikaa keskustelulle, kysymyksille ja kommenteille.
Webinaarin tallenne tulee verkkoon nähtäväksi.
Webinaaria moderoi Maarit Jaakkola (Nordicom).
Yhteyshenkilö: Maaria Ylikangas (Kritiikki näkyy! -hanke, maaria.ylikangas@sarv.fi)
Webinaari on viimeinen kolmiosaisessa “Re-newing Reviewing New and Innovative Practices among Art Critics” -sarjassa. Kaikki webinaarit ovat englanninkielisiä.
Kritiikki näkyy! on kritiikin asemaa ja monimuotoisuutta edistävä hanke. Hankkeen järjestää Suomen arvostelijain liitto ja rahoittaa Koneen säätiö. Webinaari on tuotettu yhteistyössä pohjoismaisen mediainstituutti Nordicomin kanssa.